Breaking News: Amy Robach & T.J Holmes Leaving ABC Following Affair Scandal!

Amy Robach

It’s been a wild ride for ABC news anchor Amy Robach and former anchor T.J. Holmes this week. On Monday, news broke that the two had been involved in an affair, and since then, the story has only gotten more intense. Here’s what you need to know about the scandal, the social media reaction, and how it has impacted ABC.

What Happened Between Amy Robach and T.J. Holmes

The news of the affair between Amy Robach and T.J. Holmes first broke on Monday, when several anonymous sources came forward to confirm the relationship. According to reports, Robach and Holmes had been involved in a secret relationship while they were both working at ABC. Although neither of them had commented on the news, it quickly spread on social media, with people speculating about the details of the affair.

The story was further complicated when reports emerged that Holmes had been fired from ABC due to the affair. Although ABC has not officially commented on the matter, sources have said that the network was not happy with the situation and wanted to distance itself from the controversy. This has led to some speculation that the affair was a factor in Holmes’ departure.

Social Media Reaction to the News

The news of the affair between Robach and Holmes sparked a flurry of reactions on social media. Many people were shocked by the news and voiced their opinions on the matter. Some people expressed their support for the couple, while others criticized them for their actions. The story quickly went viral, and soon, it was trending on all major social media platforms.

The hashtag #AmyRobachTJHolmes was also popular, with people using it to discuss the affair and its implications. Many of the posts on the hashtag were jokes and memes about the situation, but some people used it to express their support for the couple or criticize ABC’s decision to fire Holmes.

How the Affair Scandal Impacted ABC

The news of the affair between Robach and Holmes has had a major impact on ABC. The network has been forced to address the situation and has been criticized for its handling of the situation. The network has been accused of treating Holmes unfairly and of not taking the necessary steps to protect its employees.

The scandal has also had an impact on ABC’s programming. In the wake of the news, several shows featuring Robach and Holmes have been pulled from the air. This includes Holmes’ show, “T.J. Holmes Live”, which had been a staple of the network’s morning lineup for the past two years.

Amy Robach and T.J. Holmes’ Statements

In the wake of the news, both Robach and Holmes have issued statements about the affair. Robach released a statement on Tuesday, in which she apologized for her actions and expressed her regret for the situation. She also thanked her family and friends for their support.

Holmes also released a statement on Tuesday, in which he thanked his former colleagues at ABC for their support. He also expressed his regret for the situation and apologized for any pain he may have caused. He also said that he hopes to move on from the situation and focus on his future.

ABC’s Response to the News

ABC has yet to officially comment on the situation. However, the network has taken several steps to address the situation. In addition to pulling Holmes’ show from the air, the network has also removed several of Robach’s appearances from its website. It is unclear if the network will issue an official statement in the future.

Impact on the Network’s Programming

The scandal has had a major impact on ABC’s programming. In the wake of the news, several shows featuring Robach and Holmes have been pulled from the air. This includes Holmes’ show, “T.J. Holmes Live”, which had been a staple of the network’s morning lineup for the past two years.

Additionally, several of Robach’s appearances have been removed from ABC’s website. These include her segments on “Good Morning America” and “20/20”. It is unclear if the network will continue to air her segments or if her appearances will be permanently removed from the network’s programming.

Reactions from Fans and Colleagues

The news of the affair has been met with a mix of reactions from fans and colleagues. Many people have expressed their support for the couple, while others have criticized them for their actions.

Robach’s former colleagues at ABC have also weighed in on the situation. Many of them have expressed their support for Robach, while others have criticized her for the affair. It is clear that the news of the affair has had a major impact on the network and its employees.

What’s Next for Amy Robach and T.J. Holmes

It is unclear what the future holds for Robach and Holmes. Both of them have issued statements expressing their regret for the situation, but it is unclear if they will continue to work together in the future.

Robach is still employed at ABC and is expected to remain with the network. Holmes, however, is no longer with ABC and it is unclear if he will find another job in the media industry.


The news of the affair between Amy Robach and T.J. Holmes has sent shockwaves through the media industry. The story has sparked a flurry of reactions on social media, and it has had a major impact on ABC and its programming.

Robach and Holmes have both issued statements expressing their regret for the situation, but it remains to be seen what the future holds for them. In the meantime, the scandal continues to be a major topic of conversation in the media.

This has been a breaking news article about the affair between Amy Robach and T.J. Holmes. Make sure to check back for more updates on the situation as it develops. #AmyRobachTJHolmes

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