Fargo Season 4 Complete Recap

Complete Recap of Fargo Season 4

Fargo Season 4 has come to an end, and it was quite the journey wasn't it? So much drama, betrayal, and murder in this season and we are already for Season 5 - back on the 21st.
With Season 4 all wrapped up, we want to summarise it all up all the way from episode one, and that's what we will do here. So, if you're trying to avoid spoilers for Fargo Season 4, perhaps take a watch of it and then come back here.
Without further ado, here's everything that happened in Fargo Season 4.

Episode 1
The first episode of season 4 started with so much drama - it is revealed that Patrick betrays his adoptive family and he personally executes Moskowitz's son. Now, Patrick betrays his Irish family and is destroyed again - this time, he's forced to kill his own father. History repeated itself in such a grim way. Mayflower also killed Donatell with a morphine injection.

Episode 2
Episode two of Fargo Season 4 saw Zelmare Roulette (Ethelrida's aunt) and Swanee Capps, the two bank robbers, escape from prison. We also saw Josto's men fail another drive-by - they were supposed to kill Dr, Harvard but instead killed a socialite and nurse, which was a major cause for concern.
Episode 2 saw the house of Ethelrida's getting raided as they were looking for Zelmare and Swanee.
Also, Oraetta leaves a laced pie on Smutney's porch. Will he take it?

Episode 3
We see Marshall Dick Wickware (Deafy), who is dedicated to bringing down Zelmare and Swanee since they escaped from prison, return to Kansas City. The episode follows Deafy as he questions people and tries to find the two runaways.
With Zelmare and Swanee on the run, Thurman helps them to escape but in the process kills three of Loy's henchmen as well as stealing $20,000.
Swanee has eaten the pie which Oraetta left on the porch, however. He becomes incredibly sick and vomits on the money - meaning they have to get away quickly.
Talking of Oraetta, he gets fired but finds a new job at Dr. Harvard's hospital.
Loy also assumes Josto is behind the killing of his henchmen and robbery and wants revenge. However, Doctor Senator doesn't believe it is Josto and wants to investigate the situation some more.

Episode 4
While transporting a significant stash of rifles hidden in a produce truck, Calamita and his driver encounter a roadblock set ablaze by Loy's gang. Tragically, the driver is killed, and Calamita suffers facial branding before the gang steals the truck.
Rabbi informs Josto about Gaetano's subversive activities against him, inciting Josto's fury. This leads to a confrontation where Josto threatens Gaetano publicly, causing a tense standoff. Zelmare meets Thurman, offering him a bag of recently stolen money to settle his debt to Loy. Unaware of its origin, Thurman pays Loy, who initially feels a brief sense of relief until he detects the stench of vomit on the money, realizing what transpired.

Episode 5
Ethelrida anonymously pens a letter to Dr. Harvard, detailing her discoveries regarding the suspicious deaths of Oraetta's patients.
Both Loy and Deafy head to the hotel where Zelmare and Swanee are hiding. Loy arrives first and opts not to kill them; instead, he covertly assists them in escaping. Calamita finds Senator and fatally shoots him in the street.

Episode 6
Loy and his crew ambush Odis in his apartment, coercing him to switch allegiances.
Violante proposes a swap with Cannon Limited to retrieve Gaetano. However, unbeknownst to Violante, Josto covertly instructs his brother-in-law, Antoon Dumini, to eliminate Satchel, anticipating that Loy will retaliate by eliminating Gaetano. Rabbi discerns Josto's scheme and intervenes, preventing Antoon from executing Satchel.

Episode 7
Oraetta cunningly poisons Dr. Harvard with macarons, causing him excruciating agony while she swipes Ethelrida's letter from his desk.
Instead of executing Gaetano, Loy exposes Josto's betrayal to his brother and sets him free. Loy then tasks Omie Sparkman with eliminating Calamita as retribution.

Episode 8
Oraetta receives unexpected news of Dr. Harvard's survival from the poisoning, prompting her swift departure.
Josto arrives at his compound only to be dismayed by Gaetano's presence. Gaetano subjects Josto to a physical beating but surprisingly expresses admiration for Josto's attempt on his life.
Deafy confronts Loy, demanding information on Zelmare and Swanee's whereabouts. Loy reluctantly reveals that the duo will board the 10 pm train to Philadelphia. Deafy mobilises a squad to apprehend them. Zelmare and Swanee put up a fierce fight during this final standoff, causing casualties among law enforcement and civilians.

Episode 9

The episode is a little different as it's in monochrome, offering perspectives from Omie Sparkman, Rabbi Milligan, and Satchel Cannon. Omie travels with Aldo, a Fadda henchman who has provided intel that Calamita is trailing Rabbi and Satchel to Liberal, Kansas.
We also see a shootout ensue, interrupted by a sudden tornado that ravages the station, claiming the lives of Rabbi, Calamita, and Omie.
The episode transitions into colour as Satchel awakens to find Rabbi absent. Armed with Rabbi's gun, Satchel leaves the boarding house accompanied by Rabbit, embarking on a journey down the road.

Episode 10
Odis discovers his apartment is ransacked. Attempting to escape, he finds himself cornered by Josto and Gaetano in his car. Defenceless, Odis accepts his fate, succumbing to Gaetano's fatal shot. However, in a twist of fate, as Gaetano flees from Odis' vehicle, a misstep causes his own accidental death when his firearm is discharged.
Ethelrida takes matters into her own hands by arranging a meeting with Loy and proposing a deal for her family's business.

Episode 11
Josto, seeking revenge after Gaetano's death, impulsively murders his fiancee's father, Milvin Gillis, and the recovered Dr. Harvard. Loy orders the executions of Happy and Leon.
Violante comes to the conclusion that Josto collaborated with Oraetta to eliminate his father and brother. Joe Bulo executes Josto and Oraetta in a field.
Zelmare fatally stabs Loy. Satchel witnesses the attack and is by his father's side as he passes away.

The episode and the series conclude with Ethelrida proudly reciting her American history report to her parents. During the credits, it's revealed that Satchel grows up to become Mike Milligan, a significant figure in Violante's newly restructured, more corporate Kansas City Mafia.

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