Ginny and Georgia Season 2 Ending Explained

Ginny and Georgia Season 2 did not disappoint, but what does the ending mean for the future of the show exactly?

Ginny and Georgia Season 2: Georgia is arrested

Season 2 of Ginny and Georgia cannot be described as anything less than an emotional rollercoaster. By the end of watching I felt drained from all the drama. The good news? Season 2 ends on such a dramatic cliffhanger that we can almost be promised Season 3. I cannot wait.
It goes without saying that there will be spoilers throughout this, especially announcing what happens at the very end.

Ginny and Georgia Season 2 Finale Recap

Episode 10 of Ginny and Georgia opens with Georgia narrating. She explains how pain changes how people are (she seems to be talking about herself), which is why she doesn't want her children to go through any trauma. I would argue it is a little late for that.

Flash to school, and Maxine is comforting Ginny who is feeling all the feels about her breakup with Marcus. They all agree that "Men are stupid" but it seems to be placing a loose bandaid over a very open wound.
In a weird turn of events, Gil tries to talk to Austin. Of course, Austin wants absolutely nothing to do with him. There is a cut to a flashback of Gil pointing a gun at Georgia, it is quite traumatic.

Then, Maxine and Sophie are having a little catchup at Joe's restaurant. Sophie tells Maxine that she has missed her, which only causes so much anxiety in the viewer - can Maxine go through the motions with Sophie AGAIN? Sophi's ulterior motives are made evident when she reveals that she broke up with Josh. Maxine does us all proud and tells her that she likes somebody else.

Later, Maxine wants to get Ginny out of the house and with friends, in a hope that it will help with the heartbreak. She tells Ginny that her brother, Marcus, has depressive episodes and the breakup likely has nothing to do with her. Ginny admits she had no idea and leaves with Maxine. Almost immediately Georgia starts packing suitcases. There is another flashback to a young Georgia stealing money from Gil which ultimately gets him arrested.

Back to the present day and Ginny is drinking alcohol with her friends. She suddenly gets a breakthrough that her mum is planning to leave town - she stands up and leaves. At the same moment but in different locations, Marcus has turned up at the party Ginny should be at looking for her. Hunter has a deep conversation with Gil (for teenage boys), where they talk about Ginny and the breakup. Maxine turns up to the party and takes her drunk brother home. Ginny learns that Paul and Georgia's wedding has been cancelled by Georgia.

Ginny and Georgia Season 2: Is this the end for Ginny and Marcus?

Ginny and Georgia have a slight argument about the wedding and Georgia's tendency to run away room everything. Ginny asks her what she's scared of. Georgia doesn't believe that she deserves happiness because of her past and her lies. Ginny convinces Georgia to tell Paul about her past (minus the murder). Georgia listens and sits Paul down. She tells her about her past with fraud, stealing, embezzlement, shoplifting, the PI, and gang life. Paul leaves in shock.

Perhaps inspired by her mother, Ginny decides to visit Marcus. She tells him that she wants to be friends. They end up laughing. Do you think a friendship is feasible for the pair in the future?

A day passes and Paul asks Georgia to meet him. Georgia is a little anxious that it might be a setup to get her arrested. When she arrives there is a policeman and an attorney. Gil also turns up and tensions are high. However, it turns out that Paul has taken steps to ensure that Gil leaves her alone, also confirming that he wants to be with her sill. It all seems to be working out wonderfully.

Ginny and Georgia Season 2 Ending Explained

Alas, the day of the wedding is here. It's a beautiful event - made possible by the goodwill of the small businesses in town who love Georgia.
It is incredibly clear that Paul loves Georgia. However, Joe is sitting outside clearly upset about the wedding - hinting at a potential romance story in season 3 between the two.
While Georgia and Paul are enjoying their first dance, the police and Gabriel (the PI hired to investigate Georgia) enter the venue and arrest Georgia. It appears she is finally about to be questioned for the murder.

Ginny and Georgia Season 2: How will Georgia get out of this one?

What to expect from Ginny and Georgia Season 3

Obviously, we can expect to find out if Georgia will be found guilty of the murder. We will also see if Paul sticks by her and if Joe does anything about his feelings.
Ginny's relationship with Marcus will likely be another topic in season 3. As well as Abby and Press who are still hooking up with each other.
Abby is also concerned about Samantha as she heard her throwing up in the bathroom. Will an ED topic be explored next season?

What did you think of season 2?

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