So much happened in Heartland Episode 13, and we're here to recap it all for you. Read on to find out what happened.

Has anybody else been completely hooked on Heartland Season 16? It's been delivering so much drama, romance, and resolutions. It really has it all. Heartland Episode 13 was no different. It seemed to resolve a lot of the issues that have been present throughout Season 16, which has made many fans question if they're tying loose ends just in case season 17 isn't confirmed. What do you think?
Episode 13 was a lot of fun, named "Just Striking A Balance" was a great episode. Of course, there will be extreme spoilers ahead so we recommend that you catch up on Heartland if you haven't already. We also have a recap of episode 12 if you need to re-jog your memory a little bit.
Right, let's dive in.
What happened in Season 16 of Heartland Episode 13?
Well, the episode spends a big deal following the horse Platinum Bow. The favourite horse has been limping lately, which is causing a lot of stress and issues - especially concerning investors. So, Amy comes to help Lisa and notices something quite peculiar. Platinum Bow only limps when it's time for Amy to leave - leaving the conclusion that the horse is actually faking it for attention. Lisa admits that she hasn't been giving the horse enough attention, putting everything in perspective for her.
It's in this process that Amy meets Edwin Silvera. At first, she has a bit of an issue with him, questioning why he wasn't communicating with his team whilst tensions are so high. However, it turns out that their children are actually best friends, meaning Edwin has to have a play date with Amy. Throughout the exchange looks. This could be a sign of a budding romance - would you like to see Amy and Edwin together?
Meanwhile, Tim is seen to be having a hard time bonding with his son, Shane. He appears to be clearly trying, even agreeing to play Squash even though he has no idea how to. Shane keeps standing up to his father changing plans or leaving early for business meetings. He also reveals that he is engaged - something that Tim had to ask about. Also, he isn't planning on inviting Tim as it's "close family only". Ouch. Tim is evidently upset about the fact that Shane does not seem interested in a solid relationship with him.
As the episode develops, Shane finds out that his Dad was going above and beyond to try and bond with him. He decides to meet up with Tim and tells him he thought it would open old wounds, but that he would want him to be at the wedding. It all seems to be resolved in the end and hopefully, they continue to work on their relationship. It will be interesting to see how the wedding plays out. Hopefully no drama with the ex.
We've been following Katie and Lou's tumultuous relationship. If you remember, Lou bought Maggie's Diner, and Katie has been working for her. Katie (and the other workers) are seen complaining about the workload and lack of time off. These issues are exasperated by the fact Katie can't get time off for a concert that she wants to go to. To retaliate, Katie leads a strike against her Mum - the workers stand outside chanting about how underpaid and overworked they were.
There doesn't actually seem to be any resolution for the workers, unfortunately, but Katie does see the error of her ways. The episode ends with Katie and Lou hugging and making their way to a concert.
This nicely brings us to the Jack storyline. In the last episode, Jack is seen making one of Katie's poems into a song - and it was beautiful. However, at the beginning of Episode 13, we see Jack refuse to perform on stage. This is a shock to many.
However, in the end, we see Jack on stage with Katie and Amy as they all sing a country version of Katie's poem. Could this be the return of Jack's love for performing? We hope so. It was lovely to see the whole crew together again, too.
What did you think of this episode? You can catch it on CBC.