Heartland Season 17 Episode 7 Recap

Heartland always has surprises up its sleeve and Season 17 Episode 7 was certainly filled with them. Aptly named "Unknown Caller", this episode of Heartland primarily focuses on Lou and an unexpected past with Nathan (don't worry, it's not what it seems).
Below is a recap of Heartland Season 17 Episode 7 which does contain spoilers. Let's dive right in.

The episode starts with Lou unable to sleep - she puts sleep meditation on to help but starts to get flashbacks about a specific moment from her teenage days with a boy and decides to just get out of bed and find an old jacket which triggers an emotional reaction from her. Amy sees this and grows a little suspicious.

Lou then opens up about how stressed she is about the gallery, especially with the long list that Rebecca has left her.

The next scene is Amy who bumps into Nathan on her horse. Lyndy plays with his dog, Molly. Amy even suggests a playdate so Lyndy can have a little puppy time (and perhaps so she can see Nathan again). Nathan then asks Amy if she wants to do a morning ride tomorrow. Could this be the start of their romance? It does seem like Amy is beginning to like Nathan.

The next scene is Katie and Lou who meet Elaine Collins, a writer, who is a little standoffish and rude when they meet - even giving her a list of "rules". She explains that she is here to write and doesn't want any distractions. Later, Katie asks her for advice, as an aspiring writer, Elaine tells her to give up now.

Next, Amy meets Eleanor who looks disappointed to see Amy. Eleanor shows Amy her horse, Domino, who has recently started to be a little defiant. She asks for help.

Katie tells Jack about what Elaine has said to her, she is upset. Jack tries to convince her to not listen, but Katie says she's going to give up writing.

Next, we have Lou who is still getting flashbacks. A traumatic teenage experience is still very much bothering her.

Jack confronts Elaine about what she said to Katie. Elaine, in her little way, asks Jack for help with research about horses. Jack agrees to help on one condition - she reads some of Katie's writing.

Next, we have Amy who is trying to help Eleanor. Katie spots Eleanor and they both are obviously /bothered by this. Katie doesn't want Eleanor to tell anybody about her dirt biking and Eleanor doesn't want Katie to tell anybody about her horseriding.

Lou sees Nathan and it becomes apparent that the boy in her flashbacks is, in fact, him. Amy sees them talking and seems a little upset about it. The next day, Nathan doesn't show up for the morning ride. Amy then confronts Lou about the jacket and Nathan but Lou brushes it off.

The next scene is Jack and Elaine - she seems extremely scared and apprehensive about horses. Elaine opens up about how the criticism from her last book has scared her.

Next, Katie talks to Eleanor about what's bothering Eleanor. Brandon turns up and sees Eleanor. Everybody opens up and things seem to feel a little bit better afterwards.

Lou gets another flashback whilst driving and almost crashes. She then confronts her dad about the phone call she made to her Dad after he left them.

Katie, who is feeling confident after her talk with Eleanor, tells Elaine that she won't listen to her advice. Elaine tells Jack that Katie is a good writer.

Amy and Nathan are on their morning ride, Nathan explains that there was an emergency labour with one of his horses which is why he couldn't make it to their last date. Amy gets an emergency call about Lou, when she turns up her father does not seem happy about her being with Nathan - this could potentially become an issue in the future.

Lou and her Dad then have a deep conversation about the day she ran away from Heartland following her parent's divorce. She states that she felt abandoned and hurt. Her Dad apologises and Lou seems to get the closure she's been searching for.

Katie opens up to her parents about dirt biking. Lou falls asleep for the first time in a while - her insomnia seems to be better.

The last scene is, of course, Nathan and Amy. They ride off into the distance - it seems almost symbolic. Do you think their romance will eventually be confirmed?

That just about wraps up Heartland Season 17 episode 7. With episode 8 to be aired next week, I can only expect Amy and Nathan's romance to blossom (especially with eh Lou drama out of the way) and perhaps we can even see Katie evolving with her friends and hobbies.

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