Power book 2 ghost season 3

POWER BOOK 2 Ghost Season 3 Episode 5 Recap

POWER BOOK 2 Ghost Season 3 Episode 5 titled “No More Chances” starts with Jenny Sullivan investigating Monet Tejada, She asks Monet if she knows anything about Detective Whitman. To which Monet replies that Whitman stalked her and vandalized her car ever since he discovered that Zeke was sleeping with the professor.

Power book 2

Davis further adds up that all of this has already been documented. Jenny Sullivan ends up asking another question, she asks how did she had the time to grab a gun, while Whitman charged at her, which kind of triggers Laurenzo as he defends Monet by saying she is the victim and Jenny cannot treat her as a suspect.

Any way Monet answers the question by saying if she would not grab the gun at that time, her daughter mighthave been dead. As soon as Jenny leaves, Monet asks Davis about Whitman’s file, she needs to get rid of that, and she does not even wants anyone to know that she ever had it. She wants all of this behind her. Davis tells her that it is a great idea as it was a stolen police file.

The scene shifts to the classroom with Professor Bennet, she enters while introducing Councilman Tate to everybody. Professor tells the student that Councilman Tate is here to help them with the topic today. “Is America the land of rebirth, redemption, and reinvention?” The Councilman starts by saying that second chances are the foundation of America, He says that European settlers came here in search of political and religious freedom, reinvention.

He is interrupted by a student who says that the settlers in the process, took the land of the indigenous. She further says that Reinvention is a privilege that was afforded based on who you were and the color of your skin. This causes a subtle argument between the students, as one white student scoffs at her statement and asks if everything should be brought back to race.

We get some statements like America the idea and America the reality are two different beasts. The discussion takes place as we get to know different opinions on the fact that black Americans are heavily stigmatized and discriminated. In the middle of the conversation, Tariq gets a message from Monet that said she needs him to find out where International Guap was on the night of Zeke’s murder.

After the class ends, Tariq calls Councilman Tate, he claims that he has some useful information for him based on their last conversation, he informs him about Zeke’s murder suspect and asks him to pass on this information along.After a couple of scenes, we see Monet meeting Tariq, she gets Impatient to hear what Tariq got for her, He begins by saying that IG didn't lie to her, He was in the Dominican Republic the day Zeke was killed.

Monet finally starts to suspect everything that she was considering to be true after all. She meets Cane in a truck and straight up asks who told him IG killed Zeke, Cane after thinking for some time reveals that Laurenzo told him all about IG.

Now, we see our main cast flying off to Italy for a business trip from Weston Holdings, We see Effie and Tariq enjoying their romantic date but suddenly Noma who tagged along, during their romantic dinner, asks them to retrieve a listening device that was planted by Mecca in the mansion of Francesco Lombardi, an oil giant in Italy.

They accept the task and enlist Brayden to complete the mission. Brayden gets caught in the library spectating around. After he gets tortured by Lombardi’s men we see Brayed eventually rescued by Noma and Lombardi getting killed hence, Tariq and his team successfully pull off the plan.

We also see Monet reveal everything to Evelyn, she tells her about the death of Frank, and how Lorenzo put a hit out on him. Monet says that she cannot live with this guilt after the death of Zeke, and she believes that Evelyn should know who is actually responsible for the death of Frank.

She finds out that Evelyn is more forgiving than her as she overlooks the matter, and heads on with no revenge planned in her mind. The biggest highlight of the episode gets the audience’s jaw dropped, as Lorenzo finally reveals what he did to Zeke, on his own.

He begins by saying he went to see Mecca at the hangar, he thought he shot Mecca but it turned out to be Zeke, Monet completely loses her mind as she tells him to get out of the house and even leave new york.

Lorenzo here kind of defends himself by saying that both of them are responsible for the death of Zeke, although he admits what he did was a horrible mistake, Monet on the other hand brought Zeke here, she put him in the middle of this life and totally it was their combined fault.

Now, Saxe finds out about Lauren as he follows Jenny, he first asks her what exactly is she hiding. He further says that He has been open and honest this entire time he was with Jenny, but she does not reciprocate this to him. Lauren listens to their conversation and comes out, which surprises Saxe.

Lauren upon asking refuses to go back inside, and now she Emphasises what Saxe was saying, Lauren also believes that Jenny used her and manipulated her.

Saxe leaves after saying Tariq didn’t try to kill her in fact he loved her. Lauren now texts Tariq to come out and meet her through an unknown number, Upon meeting her Tariq gets surprised and goes to utter shock, he asks Lauren where was she all this time while she asks him why did he want her dead.

She reveals that she doesn’t even know who or what to believe anymore, and tells him that Effie took her from Brayden, knocked her in a car, and dumped her in a river. Tariq gets stunned to hear this but now he finally knows about the betrayal his friends gave him.

He says that he was unaware of this, and the only reason he sent her off with Brayden was to save her, but here Lauren warns him about their friends, Effie and Brayden. Tariq promised that he wouldn’t tell anyone about Lauren’s secret and where she has been living now, but one thing that is clearly visible is that his trust in his inner circle and his friends is gone. The Episode ends with Laurenzo getting slit by his neck and further getting killed, of course, it is done by Monet.

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