Snowfall season 6 episode 10

SNOWFALL Season 6 Episode 10 Recap

Snowfall Season 6 episode 10 Recap- The episode seemed like a montage of Franklin, who is trying everything he can, to get what he wanted.

Snowfall season 6 episode 10

The Episode starts with Franklin in a bar contemplating everything that has happened till now.

As his pager goes off, as soon as he dials the number we can see the CIA are threatening him to hand over Ruben to them otherwise he will have to face some serious consequences.

Franklin does exactly what the CIA officials told him to do, He goes to Ruben, gets him to his car, and drops him off at a location, which was provided by the CIA.

While Franklin was taking Ruben out of his trunk, he hears Ruben saying to never trust the CIA and begs him to save his life.Now, In the next scene, we see Franklin meeting Leon, his best friend.

Leon was feeling bad for his friend as his mom was in jail, but Franklin cuts him off and directly asks for money, He asks how much money he has now, To which Leone replies that he currently has almost three million dollars.

Desperate for money he quickly, he makes a deal with him saying he wants to get the five hundred dollars Leon owes him and further add the three million dollars, in return he will sell him an ownership stake in the Spring Street development property, He further tries to convince Leone by saying he will be a partner as soon as he buys the stake.

He also says that in a few years when the construction gets complete, and once he will be generating good money, he will return the money and pay him five to ten times the amount he puts in.

Leone replies with a question, he says why does he think Cissy is in jail for? He explains that the only reason Cissy did what she did, is to keep Franklin safe. He says that Cissy did not wanted him to get the money, and if he by any chance gives Franklin the money he wants as he says, It would be disrespectful to Cissy.

This pisses off Franklin, and he starts shouting at him, he says that after everything he did for Leon, he is paying him back like this, sitting with a lifeboat and watching him drown.

He says that he is the reason all of them now have money. This scene right here, where Franklin loses his mind because of money reminds the audience of Teddy, although there are so many differences between the two characters still, this behavior reminds the fans, of Teddy while he was tied up in the basement.

Now, as Leon turns the offer down, Franklin is forcing his best friend to give all the money. He demands Leon give him the money or he's going to take it.

Leon's men appear behind Franklin. He realizes that Leon is not alone, Franklin decides to leave.

Now, In the court, we see at Cissy’s plea hearing, she pleads guilty to murder but is remanded without bail until her sentencing and the legal procedure.

Franklin visits his mom in the jail he informs her he is currently working with his attorney to get the plea tossed.

He also warns her from continuing to run her mouth about the CIA. Of course, we can see the frustration through this scene he also asks her the reason why she did all of this, but on the other hand, Cissy refuses to say a word to him and walks away.

Leon is seen comforting Wanda, he assures her that Franklin would never approach him again. At home, Franklin is seen trying to regroup, and at the moment real estate tycoon Paul Davis offers Franklin to buy him out of the Spring Street development deal.

Franklin gets to know that Veronique first reached out about the idea, as the real estate Tycoon tells him.

But Franklin turns his offer down by saying he does not want to sell the stake and probably Paul is misinformed about it.

Now that Franklin knows, Veronique did this to him, He straight up confronts her about doing all of this behind his back, he grabs her neck, and threatens her to not do anything like this ever again.

He tells her that as he has sold all of his property to his mom’s ex-boss, Spring Street has to be funded.

Things shift to a time-lapse, as three months later we see Franklin exactly where he was before, pleading to get spared for thirty days to pay what he is indebted for.

After a couple of scenes, in fact, two years later Leon is back in Los Angeles from Ghana, and Wanda is pursuing a music career.

He visits his friend Franklin and sees him in a horrible state, he went broke and his condition is even worse than before, Walking back to the house, they witness the police seizing Cissy's home.

Leon wants to pay the tax debt, but Franklin refuses the offer and says he's "free."

check out more recaps here.

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