The L Word Generation Q Season 3 Episode 9 Recap

What happened in the recent explosive The L Word Generation Q Season 3 Episode 9? We've recapped everything so you don't have to

Who else is absolutely loving The L Word Generation Q at the moment? It's such a great way to pay homage to the original series, while still developing the most amazing storylines and character plots. It's safe to say that The L Word Generation Q Episode 9 wasn't any different.

The episode titled "Quiet before the storm" is a little ominous, and this episode isn't what I would call "quiet" either. Regardless, this was one of my favourite episodes of The L Word Generation Q so far - so let's recap.

What happened in Series 3 Episode 9 of The L Word Generation Q?

Well, the episode starts in a hospital. Yes, we are cruelly reminded that Carrie suffered a heart attack in episode 8 and we aren't sure about her health. It's super tense - the doctors are talking, hospital equipment is beeping, and there's a dropping heart rate. Then, we hear Carrie speak and it turns out her and Misty are simply watching Grey's Anatomy on the sofa.

This was so cruel of the L Word Generation Q writers to do, I won't lie.
Then, Finley arrives and begins preaching about moving around and eating healthy. It's clear that she is concerned about Carrie's health but Carrie seems quite annoyed by the whole thing.

The next scene is with our beloved Angie. She is with Bella who is trying to convince her to get out of bed and go to class. It is now that we find out that she has a reading that she is dreading because of her past with her professor.

Then, out of nowhere Bette and Tina appear, surprising Angie - they wanted to be there for her reading. PS I love Bette and Tina. It also becomes very clear in this episode that Bella has a crush on Angie.

We're now with Shane who is in bed with Tess. Shane suggests that they go to a couple's therapist. Tess declines and uses Shane's infidelity against her…again. This is getting a little bit boring.

Then, we're with Alice who's on the set of her show. Then, Sophie notices that Alice has gone viral - her argument with Taylor has gone viral. This will lead o some pretty explosive moments later on in the episode.

We didn't forget about Dani and Dre. This scene features a slip of the tongue by Dre as she accidentally tells Dani that she loves her. Suddenly, Sophie calls giving Dani an easy escape from the situation.

Back on the set of the Aloce Show and Alice is agreeing to apologise for her mistake. Dani creates an apology for her. Alice throws a tantrum on stage instead, kicking over one of the props, and then storms off.

Then, back to Angie who is in the auditorium and who else would sneak up behind her? Hendrix, of course. He starts talking about his smashed car window and calls Angie immature. We see that Bella, Tess, Bette and Tina are all watering in the crowd ready to cheer Angie on.
Angie reads her piece and Hendrix is on stage with her. It's at this moment when Shane realises that the professor is Angie's ex and tells her parents. Tina stands up and shouts "GET YOUR HANDS OFF MY DAUGHTER". Iconic behaviour.

Meanwhile, Sophie and Dani have a show to save. Dani suggests that Dre, who has been writing her new song, should come on and perform it.

Our favourite trio Finley, Carrie, and Misty are on a hike. Carrie is seen struggling and also hates the green water that Finley hands her. She snaps at Finley - this is where Finley says that she loves her (platonically, of course) and they all share a heartfelt moment.

To a less heartfelt wholesome moment. Angie is arguing with her parents about the Hendrix situation. They tell her that she has been taken advantage of (which I have to agree with). Angie is upset with how they handled the situation. Both sides are pretty reasonable. Bella also agrees with Angie's parents saying that she thinks it's a weird dynamic.

We jump to a quick scene with Alice who quickly realises that her little kitten is missing. She hears it stuck in the tree.

Then we're with Tess at a bar downing a large drink. Shane walks in and tells Tess that she isn't sure about the bar they are opening and thinks it should be a salon. Tess absolutely flips and again blackmails her with the cheating. Shane finally stands her ground and says she can't do it anymore.

Now our least favourite couple - Angie and Hendrix. Hendrix is telling Angie that he quit his job (to write his book). They seemingly get back together. Ugh.

Then, the most important scene in the whole episode happens. Bette and Tina are at a hamburger stall when Bette proposes to Tina. It's so cute and now I can't wait for the next episode.

Then, we see Dani and Dre returning home from a great performance by Dre. However, Dre packs her bags - finishing the episode with her asking how Dani feels about her. Tense.

How did the episode end?

Then, in the final scene - Alice ends up bumping into her ex Tasha. Tasha is a firefighter who has helped get her kitten down from a tree. They argue but I have a feeling this won't be the end for them.

What did you think of this episode? I absolutely loved it!

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