The Walking Dead: The Ones Who Live season 1 episode 2 recap and ending explained. (Credit- AMC+)

The Walking Dead: The Ones Who Live Season 1 Episode 2 Recap and Ending Explained

Here's The Walking Dead: The Ones Who Live Season 1 Episode 2 Recap. Discover the highlights of the episode which mainly follows Michonne's journey through her perspective.

In the second episode of The Walking Dead: The Ones Who Live, we witness the journey of Michonne that led her to find her lost husband, Rick.

The episode starts six years after the bridge-burning accident where Michonne and Rick got separated. 

The Walking Dead: The Ones Who Live Season 1 Episode 2 Recap and Highlights

The episode starts with Michonne, who is out finding her husband Rick after she found out about him being alive.

Michonne meets Aiden and Bailey

However, before she can get to Bridgers Terminal to find Rick, she is accidentally met with a group of people, and Michonne ends up finding a few trustworthy people who provide her with arms and a horse for her journey.

It happened when Michonne encountered a couple, Aiden and Bailey, on her way who were in danger, and she helped them out by saving their lives. This act of hers leaves Aiden and Bailey thankful to her, taking her back with her and offering her any help from them.

However, as Michonne spends time with the community of Aiden and Bailey, she realizes that Aiden's sister is not actually willing to help her, as she does not provide her with the horse that she asked for.

Nat, Aiden and Bailey join Michonne.

Though Michonne is warned about visiting Bridgers Terminal at that time of year, she decides to leave the community to carry on with her journey of finding Rick. But she is stopped by Nat, a dwarf man from the community, who thanks her for saving Aiden's and Bailey's lives and offers her equipment and horse as a token of thanks.

The next morning, Michonne sets out on her journey to Bridgers Terminal to find Rick, but is faced with a dangerous situation with thousands of zombies ahead on her way. She is surprised by Nat, Aiden, and Bailey, who come to her rescue and later join her.

CRM's helicopter attack

After spending a night together at a halt, Michonne realizes that Aiden is pregnant, and the latter also advises her to get back to her kids as soon as possible because of the possible danger prevailing.

However, as they all start their journey in the morning, they are attacked by a helicopter, which drops bombs on them.

This attack makes all of them except Nat and Michonne zombies, and to protect themselves, with a heavy heart, Michonne had to kill off Aiden and Bailey.

The attack leaves Nat and her throat and lungs damaged, and so they spend the next few days in hiding to heal their wounds.

Nat and Michonne reach Bridgers Terminal

After a few days, when Nat and Michonne do get back on their journey and reach the Bridgers Terminal, Michonne loses all hope as all she finds there are burnt bodies and Rick's boots with no sign of his existence.

Nat comforts a heartbroken Michonne and persuades her to leave her quest to find Rick and go back to her kids, and he manages to change her mind.

The Walking Dead: The Ones Who Live season 1 episode 2 recap and ending explained
A still from season 1 episode 2. (Credit- AMC+)

Michonne finds out Rick

The next day, when they start on their journey, they spot a helicopter approaching them, cautious this time, and with a ray of revenge, both get ready to attack it.

Nat successfully shoots down the helicopter, and while killing off the soldiers, Michonne finds her long-lost husband, Rick. 

This is where the two unite, and after their fair share of affection and emotional time, Rick instructs her to hide her real identity and pose as a different and harmless woman to the CRM soldiers.

He tells her that he is not with them and that he is stuck there, but he promises her to act along, and he will find a way for both of them to escape soon.

Nat gets killed

However, right then Nat gets killed by one of the soldiers from the helicopter, and this makes Michonne more hateful and suspicious of the CRM.

Though reluctantly, she acts and, when investigated by the higher authorities of CRM, poses as a different woman.

However, by the end of the episode, we see that she does not like them and is suspicious of their agenda and activity, which is basically killing innocent people out there for no solid reason.

Jadis warns Rick

A potential threat to Rick and Michonne is going to be Jadis, who knows about Michonne's real identity and warns Rick about trying to escape with his wife, saying that there will be potential dangerous consequences for them if they do so.

This is where the episode ends, on a cliffhanger. With Rick and Michonne’s plan at stake, how will they navigate from there on?

Next episode!

Also Read: The Walking Dead: The Ones Who Live Season 1 Episode 3 Release Date and Spoilers.

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